Find Min Algorithm

The Find Min Recursion Algorithm is an efficient technique for finding the minimum value within a given list or array of elements by leveraging the power of recursion. Recursion is a programming concept where a function calls itself in order to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller and simpler sub-problems. In the case of the Find Min Recursion Algorithm, the goal is to identify the smallest element in a list by comparing elements sequentially and maintaining the current minimum value as the algorithm progresses. To implement the Find Min Recursion Algorithm, a function is created that takes two parameters: the input list or array and the current index of the element being compared. Initially, the function is called with an index of zero, representing the first element in the list. During each recursive call, the function compares the current element with the minimum value found so far. If the current element is smaller, it becomes the new minimum. The function then calls itself with an incremented index, moving on to the next element in the list. This process continues until the entire list has been traversed, at which point the minimum value will have been identified. The primary advantage of the Find Min Recursion Algorithm is its simplicity and ease of implementation, making it a popular choice for solving minimum value search problems in computer programming.
package Mathematics

object FindMin {

	    * Method returns Minimum Element from the list
	    * @param listOfElements
    	    * @return
	def findMin(elements : List[Int]): Int = elements.foldLeft(elements.head){(acc, i) => if (acc < i) acc else i}