TST Algorithm

The TST (Time, Space, and Thread) Algorithm is a novel computational method designed for efficient and scalable processing of massive data sets. It aims to optimize the use of available resources, such as time, memory, and processing power, in order to achieve better performance in handling large-scale data processing tasks, including search, analysis, and data mining. The primary goal of the TST algorithm is to minimize the time complexity of a given problem while maintaining acceptable space and thread complexity, thus providing a balanced utilization of resources to ensure fast and efficient processing. The TST algorithm operates by simultaneously addressing the trade-offs between time, space, and thread complexities. It does so by partitioning the input data into smaller chunks that can be processed in parallel, allowing for efficient use of available threads or processors. The algorithm also employs data compression techniques to reduce the memory footprint of the processed data, which in turn reduces the amount of time required for data retrieval and manipulation. Additionally, the TST algorithm leverages data structures and algorithms that are specifically designed for efficient processing of large-scale data, such as distributed hash tables, bloom filters, and parallel processing frameworks. By carefully balancing these factors, the TST algorithm offers a powerful and versatile approach for tackling the challenges associated with processing massive data sets in a wide range of applications.
package org.gs.search

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue

/** Ternary search trie
  * symbol table with string keys
  * @constructor creates a new TST
  * @tparam A generic value type
  * @see [[https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/52trie/TST.java.html]]
  * @author Scala translation by Gary Struthers from Java by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
class TST[A] {
  private var n = 0
  private var root: Option[Node] = None

  private class Node(val c: Char) {
    var left: Option[Node] = None
    var mid: Option[Node] = None
    var right: Option[Node] = None
    var value: Option[A] = None

  /** returns number of key value paire */
  def size(): Int = n

  private def get(x: Option[Node], key: String, d: Int): Option[Node] = {
    require(key != null && !key.isEmpty, s"key:$key is null or empty")
    x match {
      case None => None
      case Some(x) => {
        val c = key.charAt(d)
        c match {
          case _ if (c < x.c) => get(x.left, key, d)
          case _ if (c > x.c) => get(x.right, key, d)
          case _ if (d < key.length - 1) => get(x.mid, key, d + 1)
          case _ => Some(x)

  /** returns value for key if present */
  def get(key: String): Option[A] = {
    require(key != null && !key.isEmpty, s"key:$key is null or empty")

    get(root, key, 0) match {
      case None => None
      case Some(x) => x.value

  /** returns if key in symbol table */
  def contains(key: String): Boolean = get(key) match {
    case None => false
    case Some(x) => true

  /** Put a key value in symbol table
    * @param s key
    * @param value
  def put(s: String, value: A): Unit = {
    if (!contains(s)) n += 1

    def put(x: Option[Node], d: Int): Option[Node] = {
      val c = s.charAt(d)
      val y = x match {
        case None => new Node(c)
        case Some(y) => y
      c match {
        case _ if (c < y.c) => y.left = put(y.left, d)
        case _ if (c > y.c) => y.right = put(y.right, d)
        case _ if (d < s.length - 1) => y.mid = put(y.mid, d + 1)
        case _ => y.value = Some(value)
    root = put(root, 0)

  /** returns longest prefix of s in symbol table */
  def longestPrefixOf(s: String): Option[String] = {

    def loop(length: Int, x: Option[Node], i: Int): Int = x match {
      case None => length
      case Some(y) => if (s == null || s.isEmpty) length else {
        val c = s.charAt(i)
        c match {
          case _ if (c < y.c) => loop(length, y.left, i)
          case _ if (c > y.c) => loop(length, y.right, i)
          case _ => y.value match {
            case None => loop(i + 1, y.mid, i + 1)
            case Some(v) => loop(length, y.mid, i + 1)

    if (s == null || s.isEmpty) None else {
      val len = loop(0, root, 0)
      if (len == 0) None else Some(s.substring(0, len))

  /** returns all keys */
  def keys(): Seq[String] = {
    val q = new Queue[String]
    collect(root, "", q)

  private def collect(x: Option[Node], prefix: String, q: Queue[String]): Unit = {

    def loop(x: Option[Node], prefix: String): Unit = x match {
      case None =>
      case Some(y) => {
        loop(y.left, prefix)
        y.value match {
          case Some(v) => q.enqueue(prefix + y.c)
          case None =>
        loop(y.mid, prefix + y.c)
        loop(y.right, prefix)

    loop(x, prefix)

  /** returns all keys beginning with prefix */
  def prefixMatch(prefix: String): List[String] = {
    val q = new Queue[String]
    val x = get(root, prefix, 0)
    x match {
      case None => q.toList
      case Some(y) => {
        y.value match {
          case None =>
          case Some(v) => q.enqueue(prefix)
        collect(y.mid, prefix + y.c, q)
        collect(y.right, prefix, q)

  /** returns all keys matching a wildcard pattern */
  def wildcardMatch(pat: String): List[String] = {
    val q = new Queue[String]

    def collect(x: Option[Node], prefix: String, i: Int): Unit = x match {
      case None =>
      case Some(y) => {
        val c = pat.charAt(i)
        if (c == '.' || c < y.c) collect(y.left, prefix, i)
        if (c == '.' || c == y.c) {
          if (i == pat.length - 1 && y.value == None) q.enqueue(prefix + y.c)
          if (i < pat.length - 1) collect(y.mid, prefix + y.c, i + 1)
        if (c == '.' || c > y.c) collect(y.right, prefix, i)

    collect(root, "", 0)