List Algorithm

The List Array Algorithm is a fundamental data structure that facilitates the organization, storage, and management of data in computer programming. It is a linear data structure that stores elements in a contiguous memory location, enabling fast and efficient access to the individual elements. This algorithm is built upon the concept of an array, which is essentially a collection of elements, each identified by its index. The List Array Algorithm allows for various operations to be performed on the data, including insertion, deletion, searching, and updating of elements. It is widely used across different programming languages and serves as the foundation for more complex data structures such as stacks, queues, and hash tables. One of the key advantages of the List Array Algorithm is its ability to provide constant-time access to individual elements, meaning that the time required to retrieve an element does not depend on the size of the array or the position of the element within it. This makes it an ideal choice for scenarios where quick access to data is crucial. However, the algorithm does have some limitations, particularly when it comes to dynamic resizing and efficient memory usage. Since arrays have a fixed size, the programmer must be aware of the maximum number of elements that the array can store, which can be inefficient in terms of memory allocation. Additionally, insertion or deletion of elements can be time-consuming, as it may require the shifting of other elements to maintain the contiguous memory layout. Despite these limitations, the List Array Algorithm remains a fundamental building block in computer programming due to its simplicity and efficiency in certain use cases.
 * This file is part of Scalacaster project,
 * and written by Vladimir Kostyukov,
 * Linked List
 * Prepend - O(1)
 * Append - O(n)
 * Head - O(1)
 * Tail - O(1)
 * Lookup - O(n)

abstract sealed class List[+A] {

   * The head of this list.
  def head: A

   * The tail of this list.
  def tail: List[A]

   * Checks whether this list is empty or not.
  def isEmpty: Boolean

   * Appends the element 'x' to this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def append[B >: A](x: B): List[B] =
    if (isEmpty) List.make(x)
    else List.make(head, tail.append(x))

   * Prepends the element 'x' to this list. 
   * Time - O(1)
   * Space - O(1)
  def prepend[B >: A](x: B): List[B] = List.make(x, this)

   * Concatenates this list with given 'xs' list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def concat[B >: A](xs: List[B]): List[B] = 
    if (isEmpty) xs
    else tail.concat(xs).prepend(head)

   * Removes the element 'x' from the list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def remove[B >: A](x: B): List[B] = 
    if (isEmpty) fail("Can't find " + x + " in this list.")
    else if (x != head) List.make(head, tail.remove(x))
    else tail

   * Searches for the n-th element of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def apply(n: Int): A =
    if (isEmpty) fail("Index out of bounds.")
    else if (n < 0) fail("Index (< 0) out of bounds.")
    else if (n == 0) head
    else tail(n - 1)

   * Checks whether this list contains element 'x' or not.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def contains[B >: A](x: B): Boolean = 
    if (isEmpty) false
    else if (x != head) tail.contains(x)
    else true

   * Exercise 2.1 @ PFDS.
   * Generates all the suffixes of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def suffixes: List[List[A]] = 
    if (isEmpty) List.make(List.empty)
    else tail.suffixes.prepend(this)

   * Generates all the prefixes of this list.
   * Time - O(n^2)
   * Space - O(n)
  def prefixes: List[List[A]] = {
    def helper(acc: List[List[A]], r: List[A]) : List[List[A]] = {
      if (r.isEmpty) acc
      else helper(List(acc.head ::: List(r.head)) ::: acc, r.tail)
    if (isEmpty) this
    else helper(List(List(head)), tail)

   * Applies the 'f' function to the each element of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def foreach(f: (A) => Unit): Unit =
    if (!isEmpty) {

   * Combines all elements of this list into value.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def fold[B](n: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B = {
    def loop(l: List[A], a: B): B =
      if (l.isEmpty) a
      else loop(l.tail, op(a, l.head))

    loop(this, n)

   * Creates new list by mapping this list to the 'f' function.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def map[B](f: (A) => B): List[B] = 
    if (isEmpty) List.empty

   * Calculates the sum of all elements of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def sum[B >: A](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = fold(

   * Calculates the product of all elements of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def product[B >: A](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = fold(

   * Searches for the minimal element of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def min[B >: A](implicit ordering: Ordering[B]): B = 
    if (isEmpty) fail("An empty list.")
    else if (tail.isEmpty) head
    else ordering.min(head, tail.min(ordering))

   * Searches for the maximal element of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def max[B >: A](implicit ordering: Ordering[B]): B = 
    if (isEmpty) fail("An empty list.")
    else if (tail.isEmpty) head
    else ordering.max(head, tail.max(ordering))

   * Slices this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def slice(from: Int, until: Int): List[A] = 
    if (isEmpty || until == 0) List.empty
    else if (from == 0) tail.slice(from, until - 1).prepend(head)
    else tail.slice(from - 1, until - 1)

   * Reverses this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def reverse: List[A] = { 
    def loop(s: List[A], d: List[A]): List[A] = 
      if (s.isEmpty) d
      else loop(s.tail, d.prepend(s.head))

    loop(this, List.empty)

   * Shuffles this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def shuffle: List[A] = {
    val random = new scala.util.Random
    def insert(x: A, ll: List[A], n: Int): List[A] = 
      ll.slice(0, n).concat(ll.slice(n, ll.length).prepend(x))

    if (isEmpty) List.empty
    else insert(head, tail.shuffle, random.nextInt(tail.length + 1))

   * Generates variations of this list with given length 'k'.
   * NOTES: To count number of variations the following formula can be used:
   * V_k,n = n!/(n - k)!
   * Time - O(V_k,n)
   * Space - O(V_k,n)
  def variations(k: Int): List[List[A]] = {
    def mixmany(x: A, ll: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] =
      if (ll.isEmpty) List.empty
      else foldone(x, ll.head).concat(mixmany(x, ll.tail))

    def foldone(x: A, ll: List[A]): List[List[A]] = 
      (1 to ll.length).foldLeft(List.make(ll.prepend(x)))((a, i) => a.prepend(mixone(i, x, ll)))

    def mixone(i: Int, x: A, ll: List[A]): List[A] = 
      ll.slice(0, i).concat(ll.slice(i, ll.length).prepend(x))

    if (isEmpty || k > length) List.empty
    else if (k == 1) map(List.make(_))
    else mixmany(head, tail.variations(k - 1)).concat(tail.variations(k))

   * Generates all permutations of this list.
   * NOTES: To count number of permutations the following formula can be used:
   * P_n = V_n,n = n!
   * Time - O(P_n)
   * Space - O(P_n)
  def permutations: List[List[A]] = 
    (2 to length).foldLeft(variations(1))((a, i) => variations(i).concat(a))

   * Searches for the longest increasing sub list of this list.
   * Time - O(n^2)
   * Space - O(n)
  def longestIncreasingSubsequence[B >: A](implicit ordering: Ordering[B]): List[B] = {
    // We can use the following instead:
    // => (t._2, List(t._1))).toMap
    def init(i: Int, l: List[A], m: Map[Int, List[A]]): Map[Int, List[A]] = 
     if (l.isEmpty) m
     else init(i + 1, l.tail, m + (i -> List(l.head)))

    def loop(i: Int, l: List[A], m: Map[Int, List[A]]): List[A] =
      if (l.isEmpty) m.maxBy(_._2.length)._2.reverse
      else {
        val f = m.filter(p => p._1 < i &&, l.head))
        if (f.isEmpty) loop(i + 1, l.tail, m)
        else {
          val (_, ll) = f.maxBy(_._2.length)
          loop(i + 1, l.tail, m + (i -> ll.prepend(l.head)))

    if (isEmpty) List.empty
    else loop(1, tail, init(0, this, Map[Int, List[A]]()))

   * Searches for the longest common sub-sequence of this and 'l' lists.
   * TODO: The DP approach can be used here to reduce the complexity to O(mn)
   * Time - O(2^n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def longestCommonSubsequence[B >: A](l: List[B]): List[B] = {
    def loop(a: List[A], b: List[B], c: List[B]): List[B] = 
      if (a.isEmpty || b.isEmpty) c
      else if (a.head == b.head) loop(a.tail, b.tail, c.prepend(a.head))
      else {
        val la = loop(a.tail, b, c)
        val lb = loop(a, b.tail, c)
        if (la.length > lb.length) la else lb

    loop(reverse, l.reverse, List.empty)

   * Returns the number of inversions that required to make this list sorted.
   * Time - O(n log n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def inversions[B >: A](implicit ordering: Ordering[B]) : Int = {
    def enhancedmergesort(l: List[B]) : (List[B], Int) = {
      def loop(ll: List[B], pivotIdx: Int, inv: Int) : (List[B], Int) = {
          enhancedmergesort(ll.slice(0, pivotIdx)),
          enhancedmergesort(ll.slice(pivotIdx, ll.size)),
      def unpackmerge(a: (List[B], Int), b: (List[B], Int), inv: Int) : (List[B], Int) = {
        merge(List.empty[B], a._1, b._1, a._2 + b._2 + inv)
      def merge(acc: List[B], a: List[B], b: List[B], inv: Int) : (List[B], Int) = {
        if (a.isEmpty) (acc ::: b, inv)
        else if (b.isEmpty) (acc ::: a, inv)
        else if (ordering.lte(a.head, b.head)) merge(acc ::: List(a.head), a.tail, b, inv)
        else (, b.head)) merge(acc ::: List(b.head), a, b.tail, inv + a.size)
      if (l.size < 2) (l, 0)
      else loop(l, (new scala.util.Random).nextInt(l.size), 0)

   * Count the largest sum of contiguous sub list.
   * NOTES: It uses the DP-approach based on Kadane’s algorithm.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def largestSumOfContiguousSubList[B >: A](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B = {
    def loop(sm: B, gm: B, l: List[B]): B = 
      if (l.isEmpty) gm
      else {
        val nsm = num.max(l.head,, l.head))
        loop(nsm, num.max(gm, nsm), l.tail)

    if (isEmpty) fail("An empty list.")
    else loop(head, head, tail)

   * Generates all the sub-sequences of this list.
   * Time - O(2^n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def subsequences: List[List[A]] =
    if (isEmpty) List.empty
    else { 
      val ss = tail.subsequences

   * Builds the increasing sub-sequence with maximum sum.
   * Time - O(n^2)
   * Space - O(n^2)
  def maximumSumIncreasingSubsequence: List[A] = {
    def sum(l: List[A]): A = {
      l.foldLeft(0)((a, b) => a + b)
    def update(l: List[List[A]], i: Int, o: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
      def updateHelper(h: List[List[A]], t: List[List[A]], j: Int): List[List[A]] = {
        if (t.isEmpty) reverse(h)
        else if (i == j) updateHelper(o :: h, t.tail, j + 1)
        else updateHelper(t.head :: h, t.tail, j + 1)
      def reverse(ll: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] = {
        def reverseHelper(h: List[List[A]], t: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] = {
          if (t.isEmpty) h
          else reverseHelper(t.head :: h, t.tail)
        reverseHelper(List.empty[List[A]], ll)
      updateHelper(Nil, l, 0)
    def loop(msis: List[List[A]], i: Int, j: Int): List[List[A]] = {
      if (i >= msis.length) msis
      else if (j >= i) loop(msis, i + 1, 0)
      else if (apply(i) > apply(j) && sum(msis(i)) < sum(msis(j)) + apply(i) && i - j == msis(i).length) {
        loop(update(msis, i, msis(j) ++ List(apply(i))), i, j + 1)
      } else loop(msis, i, j + 1)
    def maxBySum(msis: List[List[A]]): List[A] = {
      def maxBySumHelper(b: List[A], bSum: Int, t: List[List[A]]): List[A] = {
        if (t.isEmpty) b
        else if (sum(t.head) > bSum) maxBySumHelper(t.head, sum(t.head), t.tail)
        else maxBySumHelper(b, bSum, t.tail)
      maxBySumHelper(msis.head, sum(msis.head), msis.tail)
    maxBySum(loop( => List[A](x)), 0, 0))

   * Returns an intersect nodes of two lists.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def intersect[B >: A](l: List[B]) : List[B] = {
    def jointail(a: List[B], b: List[B]) : List[B] = {
      if (a.isEmpty || b.isEmpty) List.empty[B]
      else if (a.head == b.head) a
      else jointail(a.tail, b.tail)
    def ntail(n: B, a: List[B]) : List[B] = {
      if (n < 0 || a.isEmpty) List.empty[B]
      else if (n == 0) a
      else ntail(n - 1, a.tail)
    if (isEmpty || l.isEmpty) List.empty[B]
    else if (size < l.size) l.intersect(this)
    else jointail(ntail(size - l.size, this), l)

   * Returns the longest palindromic sub-sequence of this list.
   * Time - O(n^2)
   * Space - O(n^2)
  def longestPalindromicSubsequence: List[A] = {
    def max(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a else b
    def setM(m: Map[(Int, Int), Int], cl: Int, i: Int, j: Int): Map[(Int, Int), Int] = {
      if (apply(i) == apply(j) && cl == 2) m + ((i, j) -> 2)
      else if (apply(i) == apply(j) && m((i + 1, j - 1)) == j - i - 1) m + ((i, j) -> (m((i + 1, j - 1)) + 2))
      else m + ((i, j) -> max(m((i + 1, j)), m((i, j - 1))))
    def loop(m: Map[(Int, Int), Int], cl: Int, i: Int): Int = {
      if (cl > length) m((0, length - 1))
      else if (i >= length - cl + 1) loop(m, cl + 1, 0)
      else loop(setM(m, cl, i, i + cl - 1), cl, i + 1)
    def initialize(m: Map[(Int, Int), Int], i: Int, j: Int): Map[(Int, Int), Int] = {
      if (i >= length) m
      else if (j >= length) initialize(m, i + 1, 0)
      else if (i == j) initialize(m + ((i, j) -> 1), i, j + 1)
      else initialize(m + ((i, j) -> 0), i, j + 1)
    loop(initialize(Map.empty[(Int, Int), Int], 0, 0), 2, 0)

   * Calculates the length of this list.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  def length: Int = 
    if (isEmpty) 0 
    else 1 + tail.length

   * Converts this list into the string representation.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(n)
  override def toString: String = {
    def loop(h: A, t: List[A], s: String): String = 
      if (!t.isEmpty) loop(t.head, t.tail, s + h + ", ")
      else s + h

    if (isEmpty) "List[]"
    else "List[" + loop(head, tail, "") + "]"

   * Fails with given message.
  def fail(m: String) = throw new NoSuchElementException(m)

case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
  def head: Nothing = fail("An empty list.")
  def tail: List[Nothing] = fail("An empty list.")

  def isEmpty: Boolean = true

case class Cons[A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A] {
  def isEmpty: Boolean = false

object List {

   * An empty list.
  def empty[A]: List[A] = Nil

   * A smart constructor for list's cons.
  def make[A](x: A, t: List[A] = Nil): List[A] = Cons(x, t)

   * Creates a new list from given 'xs' sequence.
   * Time - O(n)
   * Space - O(1)
  def apply[A](xs: A*): List[A] = {
    var r: List[A] = List.empty
    for (x <- xs.reverse) r = r.prepend(x)