Liner Probing Hash S T Algorithm

The Linear Probing Hash Search Tree (LPHST) algorithm is a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both linear probing hash tables and binary search trees to achieve efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations. This algorithm is particularly useful in cases where the dataset size is unknown or dynamic, as it offers a balance between the memory requirements and processing time. In comparison to conventional hashing techniques, LPHST provides improved performance by reducing the number of collisions and ensuring efficient handling of elements that are not uniformly distributed. The LPHST algorithm works by maintaining an array of nodes, each containing a key-value pair and two pointers to its left and right children, similar to a binary search tree. The insertion process involves calculating the hash value of the key and determining the index in the array where the new element should be placed. If the targeted index is occupied, linear probing is used to find the next available index. Once the element is inserted, the algorithm maintains the binary search tree property by updating the pointers of its parent and children accordingly. Searching and deletion operations in LPHST follow similar procedures as in binary search trees, with the added step of computing the hash value of the key to determine the starting index. This combination of linear probing and binary search tree principles allows LPHST to deliver efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations while effectively minimizing the impact of collisions and data distribution issues.

import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** Hash key to index value
  * when there is a collision try succeeding indexes insert in empty one
  * @tparam A generic key type
  * @tparam B generic value type
  * @param initialSize of array
  * @see [[]]
  * @author Scala translation by Gary Struthers from Java by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
class LinearProbingHashST[A, B](initialSize: Int) {
  private var m = initialSize
  private var n = 0
  private var st = new Array[(A, B)](m)

  /** turn hash into array index */
  private def hash(key: A) = (key.hashCode & 0x7fffffff) % m

  private def chainGet(x: (A, B), key: A) = (x._1 == key)

  /** number of key value pairs */
  def size(): Int = n

  /** returns true if zero pairs */
  def isEmpty(): Boolean = size == 0

  /** get value for key if it is present */
  def get(key: A): Option[B] = {
    val i = hash(key)

    def loop(j: Int): Option[(A, B)] = if (st(j) == null) None
      else if (key.equals(st(j)._1)) Some(st(j))
      else loop((j + 1) % m)

    loop(i) match {
      case None => None
      case Some(x) => Some(x._2)

  /** returns true if key present */
  def contains(key: A): Boolean = get(key) != None

  /** delete key value pair if it exists */
  def delete(key: A) {

    def find(j: Int): Int = if (key.equals(st(j)._1)) j else find(j + 1 % m)

    def rehash(k: Int): Unit = {
      val kv = st(k)
      if (kv != null) {
        st(k) = null.asInstanceOf[(A, B)]
        n -= 1
        put(kv._1, kv._2)
        rehash((k + 1) % m)

    if (contains(key)) {
      val i = hash(key)
      val j = find(i)
      st(j) = null.asInstanceOf[(A, B)]
      n -= 1

      def halveSizeIfEigthFull(): Unit = if (n > 0 && n <= m / 8) resize(m / 2)


  /** insert key value pair
    * double size if half full
  def put(key: A, value: B) {
    if (value == null) delete(key) else {
      def doubleSizeIfHalfFull(): Unit = if (n >= m / 2) resize(m * 2)


      def loop(j: Int): Unit = if (st(j) != null) {
        if (key.equals(st(j)._1)) st(j) = (key, value)
        else loop((j + 1) % m)
      } else st(j) = (key, value)

      n += 1

  private def resize(capacity: Int) {
    val tmp = new LinearProbingHashST[A, B](capacity)
    st foreach (kv => if (kv != null) tmp.put(kv._1, kv._2))
    st =
    m = capacity

  import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
  /** returns keys */
  def keys(): List[A] = {
    val q = Queue[A]()
    st foreach (kv => if (kv != null) q.enqueue(kv._1))

  // debug methods
  def isLessThanHalfFull(): Boolean = (m < 2 * n)

  def allKeysCanBeFound(): Boolean = {
    val q = Queue[A]()
    st foreach (kv => if (get(kv._1) == null) q.enqueue(kv._1))
    if (q.length > 0) false else true